Price Promise Guarantee

If you want to know the real cost of your project before construction starts and not get surprised by added costs for things you thought were included in the price, you will love our T&K Price Promise Guarantee. Being builders as well as providers of architectural design, we know what things cost to produce better than independent architects. Current and accurate cost information is factored into our design process. When working with independent architects, it is easy for them to underestimate the costs of constructing their design.

We Promise That:

1. We will provide you with general and realistic pricing information from the start. As the project becomes more defined, we will provide you with more detailed and specific pricing information.

2. We will provide you with a solid design that can be produced within your desired budget.

3. If we also show you design ideas that will likely be more than your desired budget, we will let you know up front.

4. Only if you decide you would like to do something that will take you above your desired budget will the budget be increased.

5. If you have made all of your product and materials selections prior to the finalization and execution of the construction contract and you make no change requests or cause project costs to increase by your actions or inaction, the construction price will be the price you pay, guaranteed.**

6. If the construction contract is finalized and executed prior to you making all required product and materials selections and therefore with "allowances" still factored into the price, we will provide you with the amount of each allowance. As long as your final product and materials selections are within the allowance stated up front, your price will remain the contracted price. Guaranteed.**

7. Exceptions to the Price Promise Guarantee include certain events and circumstances which can not be reasonably anticipated at the time of the construction contract’s execution, such as latent defects to your home or property which are not reasonably detectable by non-intrusive or subsurface inspection and require unexpected work to be performed, acts of war or terrorism, acts of God, strikes, major unexpected changes to supply costs, etc.

* The price of products and materials selected by you can affect the cost of a project by a great deal. To provide you a low, attractive price, some remodelers use an allowance for low-quality materials and products, knowing that you will want something better and that they can then charge you extra. Even remodelers who attempt to provide an allowance that is in line with what they think is a reasonable allowance for a product or materials may not anticipate what you will select. Since the allowance factors into the price they give you and an ample allowance could make their price less attractive, there is often an incentive for remodelers to use allowances that are too low.

**The complete details of our Price Promise Guarantee are available upon request. The information on this page is meant only to provide you with an overview.